One App, multiple sports Your team, always one step ahead Create and reuse exercises, training sessions, set pieces, strategies and more Easily create detailed and animated exercise plans that players can better comprehend Customize your training sessions complexity and intensity with repetitions and series Set training schedules, match days and meetings You can securely share exercises and training sessions with your staff Export training session plans to PDF and exercise animations to video The new TacticalBoards Developed in close collaboration with coaches, clubs, schools and academies, TacticalBoards will help you reach the next level. Easy to use tools to animate your exercises and precisely show your players what they need to do on the pitch. Just drag and drop your exercises and create enthusiastic training sessions. You can easily adjust the duration and number of repetitions for every exercise to set the intensity of the session. Boost training with an integrated timer & stopwatch: improve time management, track performance accurately, and ensure efficient workout pacing. Organization is always a priority in any team management activity and Tactical Boards offers the best calendar features to help you manage your team. One App, multiple sports! Football, Futsal, Basketball, Handball and Hockey. Group Membership Start your free trial I’ve successfully used Tactical Soccer to create and archive my various training sessions and then edit certain exercises for the different age levels. I no longer need to re-create my season-long training curriculum from scratch each season. I’m a high school and youth soccer coach for more than 25 years, so it was exciting to be able to consolidate all of the drills I had in my head into an actual training session library. As someone who archives and frequently tinkers with my various exercises and training sessions, Tactical Soccer allows me to create, organize and search folders so that I can easily find and edit my work. The animation tool now adds another level to my training and match prep – and it’s intuitive and easy to use. Download and register in the app No credit card required Download Tactical Boards Tactical Boards is available on all major platforms allowing you and your team to easily share data (Group Accounts only). Coming soon Available now Available now Available now Subscribe to our newsletter From the creators of Scouting System
& Mourinho Tactical Board The original tactical pad, that boosts your sports strategies
35.000+ users worldwide
Streamline your training sessions, elevate your game
Simplify Planning
Powerful Animation
Effective Training
Collaborative Work
Export to PDF and Video
Designing, strategizing, and perfecting your training plans
Show them how it’s done
Plan faster
Always on time
Right on time
Whatever you play
Our exercise tool reflects the sport you are coaching. A Personalized Version Of TacticalBoards For Your Club
Build the right plan for you or your team.
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Individual User License - Yearly (2 free months)
Contact us
David Downs
The Masters School/Rivertowns United FC/ Chair, Everton FC Westchester (US Soccer Development Academy)
Phil Wolstenholme
Millburn Soccer Club / Kent Place School
Mike Pellicio
Boys Director of Coaching, Spokane SC
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